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Why Our School: Advancement

Holy Cross Central employs tried-and-true methods to not only increase enrollment, but strengthen our relationship with parents and the community to foster a sustainable environment for our families. This includes providing access to scholarships, proper management of public relations, and exceptional staff management. It is essential that we nurture and grow our school to better serve the Church and the world.

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Why Our School: Why Our School?

Holy Cross Central School Mission Statement

Holy Cross Central School is a Notre Dame ACE Academy, where we see God in all things.  We provide a safe, supportive, and challenging learning environment that enables our students to obtain the goals of College and Heaven.  The Holy Cross community will respectfully and responsibly strive towards achieving these goals, while embracing the teachings of Jesus.

Holy Cross Central School Vision Statement

The maximum potential of our students will be achieved through school partnerships with our families, parishes, and communities where we will see God in all we meet. We will strive to instill in our children that they can achieve the goals of college and heaven. 

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Why Our School: Our Teachers

We employ a team of dedicated, enthusiastic, learned, kind, and moral educators. From Early Childhood to the eighth grade, the faculty is devoted to the well-being and success of every student. All members of the faculty hold Bachelor’s Degrees, and several hold Master’s Degrees. All faculty members are certified in the State of Indiana to teach in their assigned instructional areas. They have been trained in the most current educational trends, and have the experience to implement the best practices in the classroom.

Mrs. Cara Swinefurth, Principal; 

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Why Our School: Our Model

The Notre Dame ACE Academy initiative is a university-school partnership that seeks to help Holy Cross Central flourish in three categories: Catholic School Culture, Advancement, and Teaching and Learning. By focusing on these three dimensions, our model promotes continuous improvement in all facets of school life for a safer, more welcoming, and higher-achieving environment.

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Why Our School: Catholic Identity

But Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14

Throughout the year students are invited to grow in their personal relationship with God, serve others, learn about the Catholic faith, receive the sacraments and worship together. They participate in weekly Masses, prayer services, sacramental preparation, Advent, Lent and other celebrations of the Church Year. Students put their faith in action through Campus Ministry where they collaborate with teachers and priests to lead and participate in community outreach, service projects and retreats that unite and strengthen their class communities and provide creative opportunities to explore their spiritual relationship with God.

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